Gramma is excited to announce her newest model, The Kochwurst! It's an uncut model measuring in at around 3” x 1.2” girth.
The coolest feature is the scrotum pocket for the shaft, similar to the Beanie Weenie!

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I think you made a typo ;)
as a German,.. well Kochwurst is a non thing really.
You yook Wiener and Frankfurter
A wonderful word would be Pinkel
Because well that also sounds like pinkeln which means to pee.
And because it can, like Wiener be slang for dick. Also bc it was tasty when i had it before... decades ago. Pinkel is a north german (yes I know you yanks associate germany with bavarian stereotypes but theres more. we also have marshes and water) Pinkel is made with grits and meat and goes together with the only real way to make kale- cook it with meat and fat for hours.
but yeah. typo