Quick Guide
1. Pick a formula: Granny's "formulas" are the most important choice to make. A huge aspect of packing is about the sensory experience. Who wants something uncomfortable in their pants? Most customers purchase our F3+ formula, and it has been praised by many (1).
Curious about our best selling F3+ packers? Buy a sample (it even doubles as a hand made fidget toy)!!
2. Pick a model.
3. Pick a color (aka "roast") - Want a Custom Roast? You can upload dick pics, packer pics, and skin pics to get the perfect packer for you <3
4. Misc: Do you want a tab? Not want one?
Customs Information:
How to submit custom pics for realism
For an extra fee, Gramma will use your reference pics when hand-painting your packer!
To submit your photos, upload a weiner pic to your order - preferably a cut weiner for cut sausages, and an uncircumcized one for uncut models. Describe in the notes section the parts you want granny to focus on (e.g. " Please make the tip pink like in photo and make the scrotum a hair darker!"
Granny will hit you up via text ( if you prefer email, write this in the notes!), ask if you're in a safe space for sausage pix, and you can give her feedback (e.g. "Scrotum isn't as dark as i wanted it to be!"). When you are satisfied she will ship him off!)

Above are examples of some older customs Gramma has done (she's gotten an airbrush and more skills as of May 2024!) Pics are from Summer 2023

F3+ is Gramma's Most cutting edge design, with:
A Tri-Density Shaft, passes "squeeze test" - First created of it's kind (and still the only packer with a 'corpus cavernosum' analogue as of Feb 2024). Just wait for the copy cats. ;)
Embedded Testes. Unlike many other companies, who have "floating testes" Embedded within liquid, we blended silicones into a "liquid feeling" solid, so if you bust a nut, just patch 'er up and get going! No uncomfortable oils leaking out of your scrotum!
A supersoft AND Nonstick Backing (soft silicone is generally tacky in feel; not this!). We have softened the silicone in both shore hardness and 'stick' -- No more cornstarch!
All reagents lab tested and certified for skin safety. <3

Packer Bulge Gallery
Each Picture will (in the future, work in progress) be linked to another, more in depth page with many different customers of all skin tones, body types, clothing types wearing each packer. If you'd like to submit packing pics for a DICKScount code, please email packers@grammassausages.com. If we use your pics, you will get a DICKScount code, amount being dependent on number of packers, photo quality, etc. The DICKScount can range anywhere from 10% to a free packer!
Sausage Specs
View specific specs and dimensions for all packer models

Choose a Packer's formula
Choose between Basic Softened, STP, F3OG, F3+ as options for standard packers.
Sausage Roasts here!
When choosing the roast (color) of your sausage, the options can include light, medium, dark, in-between, and custom/realism (when applicable).

Choose your miscellaneous options
NO Circumcision Scar
Circumcision scar (see darkened "ring" on shaft)
Different varieties of items may include misc options. These options may change over time, and temporary/experimental options may be availble.

Choosing your play item formula
Choosing your play item model
View all play item models