Too many options? We've got you covered

F3+ is Gramma's Most cutting edge design, with:
A Tri-Density Shaft, passes "squeeze test" - First created of it's kind (and still the only packer with a 'corpus cavernosum' analogue as of Feb 2024). Just wait for the copy cats. ;)
Embedded Testes. Unlike many other companies, who have "floating testes" Embedded within liquid, we blended silicones into a "liquid feeling" solid, so if you bust a nut, just patch 'er up and get going! No uncomfortable oils leaking out of a (generally super hard silicone) scrotum.
A supersoft AND Nonstick Backing (soft silicone is generally tacky in feel; not this!). We have softened the silicone in both shore hardness and 'stick' -- No more cornstarch!
All reagents lab tested and certified for skin safety. <3
Sausage Specs
View specific specs and dimensions for all packer models

Packer Bulge Gallery
Each Picture will (in the future, work in progress) be linked to another, more in depth page with many different customers of all skin tones, body types, clothing types wearing each packer. If you'd like to submit packing pics for a DICKScount code, please email packers@grammassausages.com. If we use your pics, you will get a DICKScount code, amount being dependent on number of packers, photo quality, etc. The DICKScount can range anywhere from 10% to a free packer!
Packer Formulas Visualized
Choose between Basic Softened, STP, F3OG, F3+ as options for standard packers.
Sausage Roasts
When choosing the roast (color) of your sausage, the options can include light, medium, dark, well done, and custom.

How to submit custom pics for realism
For an extra fee, Gramma will use your reference pics when hand-painting your packer!
To submit your photos, we now allow dick pics to be directly attached to the order!. You can attach as many photos and as much information as you like. Please be clear and concise in your details, and Gramma will get to work and implement your wishes to the best of her ability! Gramma will contact you via text or email whilst making your sausage to check in. Don't worry - no unsolicited dick pics here - we ask for your consent before sharing any sausage photos!

Above are examples of reference photos compared to Gramma's custom realism paint jobs!
Choose your miscellaneous options
NO Circumcision Scar
Circumcision scar (see darkened "ring" on shaft)
Different varieties of items may include misc options. These options may change over time, and temporary/experimental options may be availble.

Choosing your play item formula
Choosing your play item model
View all play item models